Positive Living


Speak with Jane


Introduction to the Clarity Concepts™

Creating the Life You Want!

Welcome to Clarity: Concepts for Positive Living!

You may be wondering why you may take my advice: I am a successful business owner grounded in corporate insurance and accounting skills. During my career, I took special time to study esoteric healing modalities including Reiki, Touch for Health, Therapeutic Touch, the Labyrinth, Aromatherapy, Meditation, Yoga, Counseling, Psychology, Pilates and other means of Healing.  I have a certificate in Holistic Health from Rosemont College and a master’s degree in Psychoeducational Processes (Group Dynamics) from Temple University.  I also obtained a certificate in Spiritual Psychology with Dr. Tom Legere, formerly of the Psychosynthesis Institute. I immersed into a one week intensive on Expressive Arts therapy with The California Institute for Integral studies.  The labyrinth led me to lead week-long workshops at  the Asilomar Conference Center on the Monterey Bay in California for The Centers for Spiritual Living. It was exhilarating to complete these studies when these concepts were new and foreign to many. I remember my colleagues being in shock when I brought herbal tea to our Chief Financial Officer of West Pharmaceutical when he had a cold.  This stuff works! In fact, it strengthened our relationship, and he hired me for a very large project in later years.
The teaching that really spoke to me is the teaching of Ernest Holmes from his spiritual Science of Mind principles, now rebranded as Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL).  Holmes carefully studied the religions of the world; his premise was, and is,  that our thoughts create our reality.

The purpose of the Clarity Concepts Model is to assist you in understanding

  • what is it you ARE thinking? and thus ASKING, 
  • what it is you WANT to be thinking
  • what Thinking is in your way and creating OBSTACLES

The CC Model:  CLEAR©

Clarify-Be Clear on Exactly what you are seeking in your life; examine your thoughts both conscious and subconscious.  Clue:  to uncover your subconscious thoughts, look at what is happening in your life.

Co-Create: Know that you have the power to create a brighter and better outcome in your life; also learn to love what is in your life so you can move forward

Love:  Love everything in your life; trust that even the painful experiences are here to support you and move you forward

Let Go:  The key to letting go is forgiveness; you can’t move to a new place without leaving the old home; resentment and hold us back

Embody:  Make sure you are taking the actions that support your future.  I made a commitment that Pilates was the key to my good health; I have not missed a week in the three years since I made the commitment. Also know that new research shows that it takes much longer than three weeks to develop a positive habit. Give yourself more time!

Entertain:  Think BIG and entertain concepts of a better reality for you.  Write down your goals and put them in a safe place.  You don’t have to share your plans with anyone.

Affirm:  Using affirmations is one of the best ways to redirect your subconscious beliefs. Give yourself positive messaging to help you move past the current relationships and situations you are attracting.

Attend:  Pay attention to what you are thinking and clear your mind of negative thoughts. Additionally, pay attention to where you are spending your time. Are you committed to the outcomes that you desire? Also pay attention to what is happening in your life, your body and relationships.  What needs to change?

Resonate:  Generate and share great energy through gifting. Give to others and spend time with those that are positive and supportive of you. Engage in positive activities. Set clear boundaries with negative people

Replenish:  Take time for self-care. Watch what you eat, drink and your wellness activities. Spend time in nature

This book will teach you how to achieve anything you desire.   

The process is simple: 

  • Decide what you want (Clarify/CoCreate)
  • Root out your negative beliefs (Love/Let Go/Attend)
  • Believe in your goal (Affirm/Entertain)
  • Take Actions towards your goal (Embody)
  • Let It happen as you raise your positive vibrations (Resonate/Replenish)

Clarity Concepts
for Positive
Living Coaching

By Jane M. Downey

Jane has taught her Clarity Concepts™ coaching model for over 26 years and will soon be publishing her “how to” guide on creating your own consciousness of prosperity. She weaves in the ten steps along with her personal stories of success to support you on your own personal journey to success. 

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