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Clarity Concepts™, Inc

A New Era of Insurance & Risk
Management and Leadership


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Insurance Expert Witness

Jane has testified in over 8 depositions and at court in two trials. She has a 99% success rate in insurance litigation related to Coverage, Broker Duty of Care, Risk Control and Risk Management.



View Jane's CV



Risk Management Consulting

Jane is an International Expert in Insurance and Risk Management. She serves as outsourced Risk Manager for her largest client of 26 years. Jane can also provide Risk Assessment for the C-suite, Broker Request for Proposal Management and other Risk Management services. Jane is an Insurance Educator.



Clarity Concepts™ for Positive
Living Coaching

Jane has created a coaching model to help you live your best life. The model can be delivered to teams or in individual coaching sessions. Live your best life!

Clarity Concepts for Positive
Living Coaching
by Jane M. Downey

Buy on Amazon



Leadership Team Building Programs

Jane helps motivate and coach teams based on her Masters in Group Dynamics and her Leadership White paper. She uses the labyrinth as a leadership tool for stress management and self discovery.

View Leadership White Paper